Category Archives: Cloud Integration

employee working on computer in office

Cloud-Based Disaster Recovery Solutions: Advantages and Implementation Tips From an IT Professional

Cloud-based disaster recovery solutions are vital for modern businesses looking to safeguard critical data and operations. In the event of a natural disaster, cyber attack, or other unforeseen circumstances, having a reliable and efficient disaster recovery (DR) plan can mean the difference between business continuity and complete shutdown. But what exactly is cloud-based disaster recovery, […]
IT technician evaluating a company's cloud network security in server room

How Improved Cloud Network Security Can Keep Your Systems Secure Despite Growing Cyber Threats

Is your business up in the cloud yet? As a business owner or technology decision-maker, you know that data runs the world. It’s hard to imagine staying competitive without the use of cloud computing. But, with every technological advancement comes greater risk and as cyber threats become more sophisticated, cloud storage may not be as […]
engineer working in cloud server room assisting with cloud integration

6 Reasons Why Cloud Integration Leads to More Efficient Workflow

The cloud has taken the interest of many businesses. Gartner predicts that by 2025, around 85% of businesses will use a cloud-first approach1 to free up IT resources. In other words, businesses are gravitating towards the cloud and are expecting cloud integration to improve areas of their business and save resources. Cloud integration can be […]
servers in server room for off site backup

What Is the Advantage of Performing Off Site Backups Through an IT Provider?

Organizations with a lot of data have a harder time protecting it. For example, a study found that around 33% of files had removal recommendations, meaning that many employees had access to unsecured data they shouldn’t have had access to view1. Employees make mistakes and a situation like this increases the risk of a cyberattack […]
How to Prepare Your Team for Cloud-Based File Sharing

How to Prepare Your Team for Cloud-based File Sharing

What you need to know as you prepare to move your organizations files into Microsoft 365. In the past year, the Covid pandemic has highlighted for many businesses the various weak points and soft spots in their IT infrastructure. As businesses have come to take remote work for granted, systems that used to be accommodations […]
How Microsoft Office 365 Empowers the Modern Workplace

How Microsoft Office 365 Empowers the Modern Workplace

Work has changed. Here’s how Microsoft Office 365 is helping offices keep up. For decades, the workplace has undergone gradual changes as businesses have moved from analog systems to digital systems, and then from local networks to cloud-based networks. Each new stage has required new investments in IT infrastructure, and businesses have thrived or floundered […]
Need Video Conferencing? Try Microsoft Teams.

Need Video Conferencing? Try Microsoft Teams.

6 reasons your business should be using Microsoft Teams for Online Meetings Since the Covid-19 pandemic has caused many businesses to make an abrupt shift to working from home, offices around the country—and around the globe—have been seeking a secure, reliable, user-friendly platform for video conferencing. The irony is that, for many of them, the […]
How to Transition to a “Remote Ready” Office Environment

How to Transition to a “Remote Ready” Office Environment

As offices around the country scramble to become fully remote, here are steps you can take to set your organization up to be an effective remote workplace. Not so long ago, having a full remote office was the hallmark of startups and Silicon Valley powerhouses. For the average business, having remote workers was considered optional […]
How to Prepare for Next Gen Enterprise IT Infrastructure

How to Prepare for Next Gen Enterprise IT Infrastructure

Next Gen IT will require corporations to move away from siloed systems and toward integrated solutions. Sometimes it feels as though your corporation has only just successfully adapted to the latest and greatest tech innovation when a newer version is already at your door, demanding to be accepted as the next big thing. That impression […]
Data Security for Hybrid Cloud Environments

Data Security for Hybrid Cloud Environments

How should businesses handle hybrid cloud data security? As businesses move onto the cloud, many are choosing to adopt a hybrid strategy, where some of their cloud services are handled by a public cloud, and others on a private cloud environment. There are advantages to this approach, which is why it is so popular. Public […]