construction workers installing wiring in a new building

Why New Buildings Have IT Problems, and How to Fix Them

Coordinating your contractors, leadership, and IT team during a construction project. If your company has ever built, renovated, or repurposed a building, then chances are you’ve experienced the frustrations we’re about to discuss. The fact of the matter is that buildings rarely open for business with a fully-functioning network. Surrounding this phenomenon is a series […]
construction workers looking at tablet on site

How to Plan for IT Needs at Your New Office or Building

Why you should involve your IT team early in your new building plans. Making the decision to relocate your business to a new space can be a very challenging (and rewarding) experience. Whether you’ve outgrown your current building, or business requirements demand a change of venue, the need for a new building often comes at […]

Is compliance important to your business?

Compliance, Consequences, and Your Company As the need for data storage increases, and digital payments and record keeping eclipse their traditional counterparts, regulatory compliance becomes critically important. Some organizations already understand this, but not all take compliance seriously. For some, it’s just something they overlook or don’t prioritize. Others actively believe that as long as “nothing goes wrong,” […]

What’s the IT disaster plan for your business?

IT Disaster Plan: What’s Yours? Information technology keeps our organizations up and running. It keeps us connected, and it keeps operations chugging along, and communication clear. IT is the lifeblood of an organization and gives your business the ability to deliver results efficiently and effectively. Without IT, you won’t be able to stay mobile, agile, […]

Does your business need a virtual desktop?

How a Virtual Desktop Solves Your Business Mobility Challenges Mobility is no longer considered a luxury or a curiosity – it’s a necessity and an expectation. More and more businesses are working with employees, contractors, and business partners who work remotely. Remote workers usually use their own equipment. However, they depend on their company to provide them […]