woman on manufacturing floor looking at tablet and talking on phone

How Poor IT Could Be Costing Your Manufacturing Businesses Money

Don’t let poor IT disrupt your supply chain or compromise your business’s reputation. Information technology has transformed the way that businesses work. It’s helped companies meet customer demands, streamline processes, improve quality, and increase production. The role of information technology in manufacturing allows businesses to conceptualize, create, and deliver products on time and under budget. […]
group of colleagues around a table using technology

IT Best Practices: Do you invest in technology or training?

In information technology, best practices beat best products. Information technology is a field people often view in terms of things—hardware, software, networks, data. Organizations frequently disconnect these programs and devices from the way in which they implement them. According to this mindset, the job of the IT department is to set everything up, not determine […]
cloud of wifi-enabled devices representing the internet of things

Does the Internet of Things Lead to Smart Manufacturing?

3 ways our ever-increasing network of connected devices is changing manufacturing. In the past decade, we’ve gone from smart phones, to smart watches, to smart… well, you name it. WiFi-enabled devices have become ubiquitous in so many industries, that it’s safe to assume that most technology these days comes equipped with some level of wireless […]
Asian man using computer on manufacturing floor

4 Ways Managed IT Can Improve Manufacturing Efficiency

How you can streamline your business by staying on top of manufacturing technology Manufacturing businesses know how critical a smooth production process is to a healthy business. In a competitive industry, where marginal improvements can translate to major gains on a business’s bottom line, business leaders are looking for the best means to improve manufacturing […]
computer hardware and networking graphic showing tools and various devices

When do you need to replace computer hardware and networking systems?

How Long Do You Expect Your Hardware to Last? Business owners invest in various computer hardware and networking systems and then forget about them until something goes wrong. Parts breaking down, disasters, and company changes are common reasons why businesses replace their hardware. To avoid major downtime and financial headaches, it’s important to know how […]
cloud server vs vpn

Remote Work Management: Cloud Server vs VPN

What network best supports remote work management? More workers than ever are working remotely. This could be a personal choice, or because they work for a distributed company. Many businesses, especially SMBs (small-to-medium businesses) are increasing their dependence on remote workers for the first time. And this means they’re also facing new networking choices. One of the […]
two business people examining a server and assessing IT network

When is it Time to Update Your Network?

If you can’t remember the last time you did, you need to update your network. If you’re the usual small- to mid-sized business owner, you’ve probably grown your organization’s IT network gradually and organically over the past five to ten years since your last major overhaul (if you’ve ever had a major overhaul). Not only that, but […]