Category Archives: Privacy and Compliance

Understanding TPISR - Automotives Big Shift towards Information Security

Understanding TPISR – The Automotive Industry’s Big Shift towards Information Security

During the 2017 AIAG Supply Chain Summit, the formation of a new working group tasked with creating a set of information security standards was announced. These standards would be created for use by the OEM’s third-party suppliers and partners, and center around protecting OEM intellectual property during contract fulfillment. Five OEM’s participated in the working […]
Image of hard drive with USB sticks and a lock on top representing encrypting data at rest.

The When, Where, and How of Encrypting Data at Rest

Encryption at rest can protect your data, even if someone steals it. Data security comes in many forms. In order to keep your business safe from a security breach, you need to protect your data from destruction, spying, and outright theft. Protecting yourself requires different lines of defense, and at the forefront of these is […]
michigan nist compliance nist compliance michigan

Why Your Business Should Invest in Breach Detection Software

No cybersecurity defense is complete without breach detection and a response plan. We wrote last week about the threat ransomware poses to your business, and strategies you can use to prevent your system from being compromised. While ransomware can grind your business to a halt by holding your data hostage, there is one way in […]
Image of ransomware attack with a warning sign and the words: "Your files are encrypted."

How to Detect and Prevent Ransomware Attacks

Ransomware attacks are on the rise. Here’s how your business can detect and prevent them. 2017 has seen an increase in prominent ransomware attacks, and experts warn that they are likely to grow more common. So far, 2017 has seen two significant ransomware attacks: WannaCry, which began in May, and NotPetya, which followed a couple […]
IT specialist working to recover data from a computer backup.

IT Emergency Planning: How to Prepare for the Worst

How can you protect your data and IT resources in case of an emergency? Each year, companies invest billions of dollars into their IT systems. These include their networks, the hardware and software on which they run, and the processes they use to manage everything. Protecting this investment should be a top priority for your […]
cybersecurity, lock on keyboard

5 Client Data Protection Tips to Keep Your Customers Safe

5 ways your business can manage security to protect sensitive client information. Losing sensitive client data, such as login credentials, credit card information, medical records, or financial reports, can have disastrous consequences for your business, from both a legal and PR standpoint. Fortunately, there are steps you can take to safeguard against these security breaches. […]
woman at a computer in a coffee shop

Should Your Business Have a BYOD Policy?

Does your company have a Bring Your Own Device policy? Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) policies are increasingly popular among employers and employees alike. Many employees are more comfortable using their own devices, as it allows them remote access to work documents without the hassle of a second device. And from an employer perspective, BYOD […]
calculator and notepad for calculating budgets

Creating a Budget Plan for NIST 800-171 Compliance

Using a discovery and mapping process to gain a better understanding of project scope. As we’ve discussed previously on our blog, putting a specific dollar amount on a NIST compliance project can be difficult. While many businesses need a reliable budget figure to make decisions about the value of NIST compliance for their business, delivering […]
online shopper entering credit card information into laptop

Does Your Business Need to Be PCI Compliant?

How to Protect Your Client’s Identity Incidents of identity theft in 2016 were higher than incidents logged in 2015 by 40%. As more and more consumers shop and pay bills online, it’s critical that businesses accepting credit card payments meet security standards. This way, they can protect their clientele from unauthorized credit card access and […]