equipment stacked in server room storing data

Data Ownership in Business Today: Taking Responsibility for Data in Cloud and On-Premises

If your business is trusted with handling data, your business is continually at risk from internal and external threats. 

You can try to ignore or avoid this realization, but ultimately, the responsibility for protecting your business’s data rests on your shoulders. Whether it’s on-premises or in the cloud, making sure your data is safe should be at the top of your priority list.

Why Data Security is Non-Negotiable

The trade headlines are dominated by stories of breaches, ransomware attacks, and digital compromise. The statistics are sobering and ought to jolt any business into action:

  • A staggering 2,365 cyberattacks occurred in 2023, with a collective victim count reaching over 300 million individuals.1
  • From the same study, research presented a daunting 72% surge in data breaches compared to the previous year, which was already an all-time high.
  • The average cost of a data breach sits ominously at $4.45 million.2
  • Email surfaces as the favored conduit for malware, with a concerning 35% of malware in 2023 delivered through this medium.3

With organizations witnessing an uptick in email security incidents and business email compromises adding up to a significant amount of losses, the message is clear—any business that underestimates the value or vulnerability of its data does so at its own peril.

Roles and Responsibilities in Data Protection

Data protection is a shared responsibility that goes beyond your IT department. Here’s how every team member can heighten their awareness of data security, whether it resides on a cloud or in on-premises servers:

  • Executive Leadership: Overseeing data protection strategies, ensuring compliance, and creating a culture of security awareness.
  • Data Managers: Understanding and managing data within specific areas of their domain.
  • IT Professionals: Implementing and maintaining data security measures, and coordinating data recovery.
  • End Users: Exercising caution with sensitive data, following cybersecurity protocols and best practices, and promptly reporting anomalies.

Pros and Cons of Different Data Storage Solutions

Selecting a data storage system can be tricky since there’s no universal solution that fits all needs. 

Data security in the cloud options such as Amazon Web Services (AWS) and Microsoft Azure provide unparalleled scalability and redundancy, whereas on-premises systems offer more control and certain cost benefits.

Cloud Data Storage


  • Scalability:  Data security in the cloud can accommodate a growing business without the need for hefty upfront investments.
  • Redundancy: Leading cloud service providers offer top-tier backup and disaster recovery protocols, minimizing data loss risk.
  • Accessibility: Users can access cloud-stored data from anywhere with an internet connection, facilitating remote work culture.


  • Costs: In rare instances, costs might increase if usage is unpredictable or unmonitored.
  • Dependence: While inaccessibility in the cloud is uncommon, in the event of the cloud being down, so too is the data it holds.

On-Premises Data Storage


  • Control: In-house data storage grants full control over data maintenance, access, and security protocols.
  • Customization: IT teams can tailor on-premises systems to the company’s specific needs.


  • Scalability: Scaling up on-premises storage can be labor- and capital-intensive, potentially causing bottlenecks during rapid business growth.
  • Complexity: Maintaining on-premises systems requires a skilled IT workforce, introducing complexity and potential points of failure.

Trust Professional Data Security Through Brightline IT

The business world is synonymous with risk, but in an era where data is king, protecting it is essential. Data ownership necessitates a thorough understanding of where your data lives, how it is used, and what measures are in place to protect it. 

That’s where we come in.

How Brightline IT Can Empower Small Business Owners

With a suite of services that cover every facet of data protection, Brightline IT offers:

  • Risk Assessments: Thorough evaluations that identify vulnerabilities and recommend risk mitigation strategies.
  • Data Encryption: Implementing robust encryption standards to safeguard data, both in transit and at rest.
  • Disaster Recovery Planning: Ensuring businesses can maintain continuity in the wake of catastrophes, be they natural or cyber.

By partnering with Brightline IT, small business owners can focus on growth and innovation, knowing that their data is secure and their customers are safe.